Our machines

Oven to maintain on temperature the folding tools – Model SA 64

This machine to maintain on temperature your folding tools is associated with folding machine model WSK for example.

Its storage possiblities and its temperature of 120° allows to reduce at the minimum the waiting time between 2 productions.

The handling tools is easy (respecting the safety instructions related to temperature).

Technical features

  • One heating plate located in the lower part with a U system dismountable for a different configuration, and along the entire length to maintain the tool in a vertical position.
  • One heating system ventilated for a constant internal temperature, thermal regulation up to 120°C.
  • Standard tool width 30 mm (space of 10 mm between the tools), height 250 mm and depth 400 mm.
  • Internal dimensions : 700x450x255 mm.


  • Size on request

Available versions

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